taiseidokai kendo

Information about TaiSeidokai kendo

How to start Kendo in Glasgow and links to our social media presence


Facebook is the main contact and information medium for most Kendo clubs and national organisations. You will find the most up to date information on our club inc. practice times, locations and events here.

How to start

The most difficult aspect to starting any new activity of venture is making the decision to attempt or learn something new. We are a very friendly club and everyone is here to help. Please contact us via the site, facebook or call direct on 07831182001


Taiseidokai Kendo Club Glasgow Tuesday@ Kelvinhall International Sports Arena 2030 – 2200pm Thursday @Kelvinhall International Sports Arena 2100 – 2200 Sunday @ Glasgow Club Drumoyne 1100-1230

About Kendo

Kendo (剣道 kendō ?, lit. “sword way”) is a modern Japanese martial art, which descended from swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (shinai) and protective armour (bōgu).

About Taiseidokai

We are also on Facebook under the groupname Taiseidokai - If you request membership a group admin will deal with it. Up to date information on events etc is posted here.
Founded in 1976, 5 times GB team champions.

Taiseidokai was founded by John Hepburn sensei and Brian Kay sensei in 1976 and we celebrated our 40th anniversary in 2016. Brian had just returned from Japan and John joined him to form Great Western Road/Way - Tai Sei Do Kai!. The style of teaching and practice was extremely hard and attracted a small but committed group of like minded sociopaths who became the core of the club and many continue to practice today. Brian moved to London to form theJapanese language newspaper (Eikoku News Digest) and John took over as dojo leader and is now teaching in Skye and is Renshi Rokudan. Brain is sadly missed. Taiseidokai has won the GB championship 5 times and has produced many international level Kendoka and has developed many current dojo leaders inc. Glasgow University, Strathclyde University and Shiraoko. Wevare a members of the British Kendo Association which is affiliated to the ZNKR (All Japan Kendo Federation). The BKA administers the grading process and grades obtained are recognised worldwide by all individual country Kendo Associations. Kendo is a zero sum game - you will get out exactly what you put in. Frustration about lack of progress or lack of initial coordination is common and is the first obstacle to be overcome by the kendoka (kendo practitioner). From attaining this initial coordination progress is rapid and a reasonable standard of swordsmanship can be attained. Kendo as with all other martial forms utilises the Kyu / Dan system of grading where beginners progress

  • Fully Qualified Instructors

    All TSDK instructors are qualified to a minimum of coach level 1

  • High grade tuition

    TSDK has one of the highest average grade profiles in the UK with International level coaching

  • Competition success

    Taiseidokai has won the British National Team championship 5 times and has always had members in the GB and often other countries National squads

  • Professional approach to training

    We utilise benchmarking and best practice in all of our activities with the aim to allow all members to fulfill their potential and aspirations - whatever they may be.


Fully qualified and accredited instruction team
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Gerry Kincaid

Dojo Leader. Renshi Rokudan BKA National Coach, Head Coach Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities and Det Norske Kendolandslaget Trenner (Norwegian National Team coach) GB team 5 Years, GB Open Champion. Kitamoto ZNKR Foreign Leaders Seminar, Saitama, Japan. 6 times.
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Jim Corey

Club Secretary Godan – 5-dan
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Robert Henderson

Yondan 4-dan
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David Buchanan

Yondan 4-dan

Up coming Kendo events / Posts

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